Since 1996 the Quality System of OFFICINE SANTAFEDE has been certified UNI EN ISO 9001.

Careful controls guarantee the quality of our products during all production activities. The qualified staff and our testing laboratory, supported by specialised external collaborators, allow us to carry out all the destructive and non-destructive tests required for the certification of the quality of our products.

Our internal laboratory has obtained accreditation from Accredia in accordance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018 standard.


The policy of OFFICINE SANTAFEDE expresses an incessant effort of the company management towards the principles of environmental and health protection and people safety.
Our success is linked to the constant investment of resources and energy in improving our service, with awareness, attention, and compliance with safety and environmental obligations.
OFFICINE SANTAFEDE is certified UNI EN 14001:2018 and UNI EN 45001:2018.
