since 1958

since 1958

in 1958
The skill in forging and metalworking, combined with the search for new markets, has allowed us to add to the initial production of tools for agriculture and construction the production and sale of flanges, which have become the exclusive product of the company since 1965.
The enthusiasm and effort of all the organisation members, combined with the constant investments sustained over the years, have allowed us to expand the capacity and product range and to spread the OFFICINE SANTAFEDE brand in the world of piping.
The opening of OFFICINE SANTAFEDE MIDDLE EAST in 2012 in Dubai has consolidated the position of OFFICINE SANTAFEDE in the Middle and Far East markets.
The plant inaugurated in 2014 in Cortenova has guaranteed the expansion and optimisation of logistics and testing activities and the staff organisation in more modern and adequate spaces.
Today, with an area of 70,000 meters and a staff of more than 100 people, OFFICINE SANTAFEDE is one of the most important flanges manufacturers on the international market.

Crediamo che queste tre parole caratterizzino da sempre il nostro agire e sintetizzino chiaramente la filosofia delle Officine Santafede. La nostra politica aziendale si fonda sulla nostra esperienza e sulla consapevolezza della nostra competenza: è il giusto equilibrio tra tradizione e innovazione che sostiene il nostro progetto di sviluppo e ci consente di affrontare con fiducia, forza e determinazione ogni nuova sfida.